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The time has come for the evolution of the things that I have always believed.. as each day goes on I feel like I am walking through a continous dajavu and that it's never gonna end. What frustrates me the most is I know I have been here before and see and done all this but I dont knwo what Is gonna happen next. I am gonna do everything in my best effort to make my mark on the world in a good way. Leave a bit of my insight for others to share and ponder over.. make rules and laws over .

The thing I wanted most in my life was to have children and at 16 the gods spit in my face and said NOT!!! endemetriosis they said .. irreversable. Quick Think of something I am loosing every man I ever thought about having over something so simple that ever woman should be able to do a gift from the gods.. Well as Gods , modules, examples you have to make your own gifts.. and with magic all things can be achieved. Arcane Janus and Glenda Kay are now the product of a very magical meeting in a world that doesn't know where it came from or where it's going. They will acomplish things I only wished about as all my energy was put into the making of them! But I am not spent yet.. millions and millions of ideas and pleasure are to come from the world that is being created around me by this magical medium of desire and hopes and dreams that I am not willing to give up on or lay down and die for again. In this world of war and pain and desease .. plague will come some very postive and magical changes.."Magic" people is the Key To the Future of all our dreams and wishes.. Grant me More! Quick will be my signature and Quick will be my wishes granted time after time in this magical world of the blogs and programs for all eyes to see and accomplish if they only believe in the magic of thought and intentions for with those things All things are possible and obtainable with just one Quick Wish . xoxoxoox Quick

Your account will be renamed


02:15, 20 March 2015 (UTC)



17:50, 22 April 2015 (UTC)